Our patch handle bags are similar to our punch handle collection. However the major difference is that there is a patch around the handle to reinforce it’s strength and durability. A stronger handle ensures for heavier loads to be carried around and a bag which can carry heavier loads reduces the need for multiple bags to be used at the same time. Not only is this a more environmentally friendly alternative to the punched handles but is also more cost effective to the end consumer who may be paying extra per bag which would be added onto their total purchase at the checkouts.
The patch handle bags are flexible, durable and impermeable to liquid. They have reinforced handles for extra durability and can be custom printed with designs from edge to edge. 100% custom printed coverage of your patch handle bags will mean 100% efficiency in the message you are attempting to portray for your business. The bags can be made to any size you require, so a large bag with 100% custom printed design coverage is going to make a huge impact and will be a real head-turner – even in the busiest of shopping centres. With the option of side and bottom gusset design coverage as well, you can create a unique receptacle that can leave a lasting impression with whoever gazes upon it.
As with all our range of plastic carrier bags, our patch handle bags come with our unique fast-track manufacture and delivery service which will ensure that your supplies of custom printed bags will never run out; even if your order for more supplies is at the last minute.