Drawstring duffle bag is arguably the most sought after carrier bag on the market. This type of bag is the style that everbody saves. Nobody throws them away and you can bet your bottom dollar that when you are searching through your carrier bag collection at home, this is the type of bag you hope pops up from being immersed between all the ‘ordinary’ plastic carrier bags.
How many times have you been walking around and seen people carrying these types of bags. They are commonly used as lunch bags for school children and working people alike and how often do you see them carrying sports apparel etc. They can be custom printed and are ultra-strong, ultra-flexible, ultra-durable, ultra-weatherproof and ultra-cost-effective!
The heavy duty polythene used for these bags twinned with the rope drawstring handles ensures that this bag can be slung over the shoulder or carried by hand for long distances and can contain heavy loads without a problem. There is the option of eyelets fitted where the bag meets the handle to ensure for extra strength and longer lasting usage.
Our drawstring duffle bags can be 100% custom printed to completely transform the look and feel to bring the desired effect that your company is trying to perceive.
These types of drawstring duffle bag is most popular within the footwear industry and the sports industry. All the top brands of sports retailers and fashion retailers will stock drawstring duffle bags within their store as they understand the effect that these bags can have. Custom printed drawstring duffle bags have the power to persuade a customer to shop at your store rather than a competitors store who is on a level playing field in terms of products but do not offer drawstring duffle bags.